Thursday 14 May 2015

Salted Chocolate Popcorn Crispy Cakes!

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

You know that feeling of utter joy when you forget you've made something the night before and open your fridge the morning after… yeah that.


That was my breakfast sorted. Sweet yet salty, chocolatey, sticky marshmallowy yumminess! These babies are the easy peasiest treat to whip up in less than 20 minutes.

And lets face it, who doesn't love the humble rice crispy cake. (If you answered 'me' to said question, we need to have some serious words)

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

I used to love making rice crispy cakes with my mum and cornflake nests at Easter! If there's chocolate involved…I'm there with bells on. 

I've always been a 'sweet' popcorn lover - strongly opposed to salty popcorn, but by using sweet and salted popcorn with these cakes, it helps to cut through the sweetness and makes them even scrummier me thinks.

What You'll Need //

Rice crispies
1 big bar of dark chocolate
1 bag of sweet'n'salty popcorn
1 tbsp golden syrup
Mini marshmallows
Cupcake cases

Makes approximately 24 cakes

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes


Break up your chocolate into squares and, along with a handful of marshmallows, place in a bowl smaller than your saucepan. Boil the kettle and carefully pour the boiling water into your saucepan until 1/4 full. Do not turn hob on!

Place your bowl of choccie & marshmallows into the boiling water and leave to melt giving the occasional prod & stir.

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

Into a large mixing bowl pour your melted chocolate, golden syrup and add as much popcorn and rice crispies as you like! Give it all a good stir and keep adding rice crispies until you're happy :)

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

Place your cupcake cases into a cupcake tray and generously fill with your heavenly choccie mixture. Decorate with a few more marshmallows because…why the hell not and leave to set in the fridge (or don't…I snuck at least 2 before bed time)

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

The Betty Stamp Lifestyle Blog Popcorn Salted Chocolate Rice Crispy Cakes

Enjoy mi amigos!

Me and my girlyfriends are going for a spa afternoon on Saturday so guess what I'll be supplying them with :)

Also, did you see La Coco Noire's blog post about making my Gooey Banoffee Cookies ?! I was seriously flattered. What a gem.

Betty x



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Chloe! They tasted delicious too :) (notice the past tense, I accidentally ate them all!) x

  2. Oh these look soooo good - I would never have thought of using popcorn before... now it's ALL I can think about!! xx

  3. Mmm, the addition of the marshmallows Betty - yum! Have a great time being pampered at your spa session - feeling a touch envious here.
    Angela x
    PS 'Butterkist, butterkist, raa, raa, raa' (The inclusion of popcorn made me remember the butterkist advert at cinema donkey's years ago - though you may be too young to remember)
    Angela x

    1. I'm afraid to say that I wasn't familiar with the advert however i did just youtube it! What a random advert! x

  4. so glad i found your blog, love the content <3
    anyway, would you like to follow each other on gfc/bloglovin and instagram? Let me know :)


    1. I'll pop over and take a look now, thanks Ollyvia :) x

  5. these look so good and the presentation is so cute!

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. Thanks Danielle! I bought the cake stand that day and it's my new favourite thing! :) x

  6. YUMMMM! These look so good! Great job!

    xo, mikéla /

  7. I love cornflake and rice crispy nests! hmmmmm, the sweet and salty combo sounds delish!


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