Wednesday 27 April 2016

*CAKE PORN* Swedish Kladdkaka

Swedish Kladdkaka Sticky Chocolate Cake The Betty Stamp

This is the ooey gooiest, melt in the mouth chocolate cake I've ever eaten. Imagine a concoction of fudge brownie, chocolate souffle and molten volcano cake in your mouth...uh huh. Are you dribbling? Because I have only one slice left in my fridge and it's taunting me! I MUST wait until after lunch to eat it...

Or maybe I could accidentally open the fridge and it could accidentally fall in my mouth...

Swedish Kladdkaka Sticky Chocolate Cake The Betty Stamp

mmm blueberry goo.

Making this gave me a chance to try out my brand spanking new Magic Baking Tin* which I'll review properly in a very scrumdidilyumptious cake post I have planned for next week, but I wanted to give it an extra mention as I was chuffed with it! I usually have such a nightmare getting cakes out of sprung tins because they stick or the bottom pulls away half the cake, but this was such a clean bake. I can't wait to play around more with the cake tin shapes! I feel like a kid in a playground! The super team behind Magic Baking Tin also gave me a 20% off code for all my lovely readers so click this link for yours.

Swedish Kladdkaka Sticky Chocolate Cake The Betty Stamp

So here it is - my ooey gooey molten Kladdkaka.

What you'll need//

130g butter
190g caster sugar
60g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
140g self raising flour
3 eggs

x1 6 inch cake tin

Swedish Kladdkaka Sticky Chocolate Cake The Betty Stamp

What to do //

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (fan) or 350 degrees F and grease and line your 6 inch baking tin.

Into a large saucepan melt your butter on a low heat. When butter is fully melted, take off the heat and stir in your dry ingredients. Whisk your eggs and add to the mixture along with your vanilla extract. Stir until well combined.

Pour into your baking tin and bake for approximately 25-30 mins.

Leave to cool in the baking tin. Har har, my magic baking tin just pulled away from the sides - no messy sprung stress needed!

Serve with a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream :)

Swedish Kladdkaka Sticky Chocolate Cake The Betty Stamp

I's healthy because it has blueberries on top right?

It's official, I'll be obese by June.

Enjoy everyone!

Betty x

Be the first to hear about Betty Stamp bakes by following me on Instagram

* This is not a sponsored post. I was sent this product to honestly review along with a 20% discount code for my lovely readers to enjoy, link here >> The Magic Baking Tin


  1. Oh. My. I need this cake in my life! Looks so delicious!! x

    1. Thanks Sophie :) I would send a carrier pigeon with some but I may have eaten the entire cake already....

  2. Has that extra slice gone Betty? This looks so so good, I don't think it would make it as far as the fridge with our family ;-) I've never heard of a Kladdkaka before, the Swedes have certainly kept this beauty close to their chest! Pinning,
    Angela x

    1. They extra slice is definitely long gone! :) thanks for pinning and I'm surprised it lasted even one night here! Such piglets. B x

  3. yummmm this looks delicious!!

  4. Amazing cake, love it - if you want follow me on my blog and I will follow you back immediately. :) (BIG INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY)

  5. Chocolate cake and blueberries is everything! Yumm:)

    Lily |


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